The Jubilee Way
We want the children who attend Jubilee Academy to leave us with the skills and positive thinking needed to achieve their ambitions and to lead happy and successful lives. We celebrate our children’s attitudes to learning through our school value of ‘Together we will SUCCEED’.
S – be successful in achieving your goals
U – celebrate how unique each person is
C – have the confidence in your ability
C – be able to show you are creative
E – be enthusiastic and showing interest in your learning
E – be able to empathise with others around you
D – be determined when things get tough
To achieve this vision, we believe that we must/have:
Teaching and Learning
- High expectations.
- Become independent learners.
- A varied and enriched curriculum.
- A wide range of exciting, challenging and extra-curricular activities.
Behaviour in the classrooms
- Be respectful at all times.
- Track the speaker.
- No hands up.
- Not to move around the classroom unless instructed by the adults.
- Always put in 100% effort into my learning.
- Follow the behaviour policy
Behaviour around the academy
- Move around the academy in a quiet and orderly manner.
- Move in single file and showing respect for what is going on around me.
- Walk in single file on the left-hand side.
- Wait to allow adults to walk through doors as a sign of respect in corridors.
Behaviour Rewards
All adults around school will be able to reward points as our expectation is that behaviour is exceptional.
Our rewards tariffs:
Completing work showing resilience (S)
Celebrating themselves and their contributions to lessons (U)
Creative in their work – all subjects (C)
Improved confidence in any aspect of school life (C)
Being enthusiastic in any aspect of school (E)
Showing empathy to others and for materials used in lessons (E)
Not giving up, resilience, perseverance (D)
Completing homework to a high standard
Consistently showing school attributes and attitudes
Continued hard work and perseverance across the curriculum
Cross academy competitions and event participation
Excellent presentation and content Improved attendance
Significant kindness
Supporting charities inside and outside of school
Winner of the day
Always thinking of others
Awards/recognition out of school
High number of R1-R2s
Highest number of books/sessions reading JLT, DEI champs, house and vice captains
Standing out from peers – beyond meeting attributes
Subject award for excellence
Consistent effort and positive attitudes to work across a range of subjects
100% attendance
Award from principal
Awards that celebrate excellence at the end of each half term/term
Functions, sports, art, drama
Improved attendance meeting target
Improved behaviour – no T for the half term
Improved lates (less)
Significant improvement/effort in assessment
Continued high standards throughout school – all areas
Involvement in a student leadership role over a significant period of time
Leading an activity/fundraising over time
National or international recognition
No behaviour points for the academic year
Significant involvement in academy life and the community
Behaviour Events
Our behaviour policy and class rules are displayed prominently in all classrooms.
The intention is to discourage unwanted, unacceptable behaviour and encourage children to aim high and go for gold through making positive choices, behaving in an acceptable way and increasing on-task performance.
Our consequences are not designed to humiliate or embarrass a pupil. We want them to progress academically and socially and work together with their peers and staff. The consequences should be calmly and consistently applied in a manner that avoids confrontation, loss of control by the adult or humiliation of the child.
Our events tariffs:
Low level disruption
Not meeting learning expectations
Not meeting transition expectations
Poor choice of language
Talking over the teacher
Uniform infringement
Answering back
Continuous disruption to learning
Isolated playground incident
Lack of equipment or correct uniform
Lack of punctuality
Not meeting deadlines
Refusal to follow instructions
Unkindness to others
Damage to property
Failed reflection time/detention
Inappropriate language including swearing and derogatory language
Loud and disruptive corridor behaviour
Persistent disruption to learning
Persistent unkindness
Refusal to comply to a reasonable request
Unsafe behaviour
Bringing prohibited items into the academy, including smoking/vaping
Continuation of persistent disruption to learning
Deliberate damage to property
Persistent refusal to follow instructions
Persistently incorrect uniform
Repeated failure to attend detention/correction
Threatening behaviour
Unacceptable language
Unwanted physical contact
Absconding off school site
Deliberate discrimination of the grounds of membership of a protected group under the equality act
Failed internal suspension
Harmful sexual behaviour
Persistent defiance
Repeated incidents of COCA
Serious damage to property
Serious physical behaviour towards another
Swearing at a member of staff
Dangerous behaviour
Illegal actions/behaviour
Persistent gross misconduct
Physically aggressive behaviour
Serious breach of the behaviour policy
Sexual assault or violence