
Attendance Officer is Mrs Kym Allen.

Our Mission

At Jubilee Academy we aim to provide the very best education for all our pupils and support for our staff to ensure every child leaves our academy with everything they need to reach their full potential. We promise to do everything we can to give our children the very best education that gives them the best opportunity to succeed in life.

We recognise the clear link between attendance and the attainment of pupils. We encourage the highest possible levels of attendance for individuals, groups and the pupil body as a whole. To achieve this, all members of our academy community have an important contribution to make.

Attendance Rewards;

  • Class with best attendance to get extra play weekly and dojo points.
  • Class with best punctually, to get extra play weekly and dojo points.
  • Improved attendance award for pupils who manage a 5% and above improvement on the previous term’s attendance
  • 95% and 100% attendance rewards.
  • End of year attendance reward activity for pupils with outstanding attendance.


If your child is unable to attend school you must contact the school office on the first day of absence and provide a reason for your child’s absence before 9.00am

  • All pupils attendance is monitored by school staff and the academy Attendance Officer
  • The Attendance Officer  meets weekly with the principal to monitor pupils whose attendance is below 90%
  • Pupils whose attendance is below 90% will be monitored closely and parents/carers will be informed. They will then have a chance to discuss this with the academy Attendance Officer
  • Legal action may be taken by the Local Authority if attendance does not improve sufficiently.

Persistent Absentees:

Pupils with attendance of 90% and below are called Persistent Absentees and are subject to rigorous monitoring. We will not routinely authorise absence for these pupils. If their attendance does not improve by working with school they will be refereed to the Education Welfare Services.


It is very important that your child arrives to school on time. School gates open at 8.35am and remain open till 8.45am. If your child arrives at school after 8.45am,  they must be brought to the main office for their late mark. Pupils who are late miss an important part of their lesson, as well as disrupting other children. The academy day starts at 8.45am prompt. Any pupil arriving after this time will be marked with a code L. Any pupil arriving after 9.30am will be marked with a code U. This is classed as an unauthorised absence and does affect your child’s attendance and can result in the Education Welfare Service being involved.

Attendance Policy Extract Jan 2023

If your child is aged between 5 and 16 you must make sure they attend school regularly and stay in school.

This is Law, you can be taken to court for breaking this Law (section 444 of the Education Act 1996).

Parents/carers should ensure their children arrive at school on time 8.40am properly dressed in the correct school uniform and in a condition to learn – they should have all the equipment they need like PE kit, pens etc, not too tired, worried or hungry.

Authorised and Unauthorised Absence:

For more information regarding Authorised and Unauthorised Absence, please click the following link

School attendance and absence | Walsall Council

Our Awesome Attendance

For Autumn Term our attendance is …… 95.2!

Well done to Year 2 who achieved 97.4%, closely followed by Year 5 with 97.2%

Reception – 93.2%

Year 1 – 94.2%

Year 2 – 97.4%

Year 3 – 94.9%

Year 4 – 95.4%

Year 5 – 97.2%

Year 6 – 93.6%