Welcome to Year 3.
Stone Age to Iron Age
In this unit, children learn about prehistory in Britain, and how we find out about prehistory. They discover what life was like through each of the main time periods of the Stone Age, right through to the Iron Age. Children find out about how civilisation started, how agriculture became a huge driving force for things like stone circles to be built and how different metals such as bronze and iron changed the way we interacted with each other and created huge defensive earthworks that we can even see and walk today.
The United Kingdom
In this unit, children will learn about the key geographical characteristics of the United Kingdom. They will discover the different countries of the United Kingdom and the regions within England. Children will explore the human and physical features of the UK, including the types of settlements, key topographical features and how types of land use have changed over time. Children will use maps and atlases to explore the UK and their local region while learning to use a compass, four-figure grid references, keys and symbols.
The Romans
This unit looks at the Romans and their achievements from 43 CE to 410 CE. The first lessons explore what life was like in early Rome, who was in charge and held the power across the Empire and how the emperors trained up their powerful armies. This moves onto the Roman invasion of Britain; a comparison between the existing Celtic villages and the new Roman settlements, alongside finding out how the Romans protected their new lands and an introduction to significant historical figures of the time such as Boudicca. The unit finishes with a study of the final years of the Roman Empire and the events that led to its downfall.
Bee Conservation
In this unit, children will learn how important bees are for humans and the natural world. Children will learn the dangers facing bees and how they can be conserved. Children will observe bees in their natural habitat and carry out improvement works on school grounds to help conserve and protect bees.
Significant People- Neil Armstrong/Tim Peake
To develop an awareness of the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements in the context of discussing how Neil Armstrong and other significant individuals contributed to a significant event beyond living memory.
Land use, economic activity and travel