We are so excited to let you know about something new that is happening at Jubilee!
We will be opening up our classroom doors to parents, grandparents and carers to come inside and read with their child/children every Thursday as part of our school focus around reading.
This is a chance to get children, parents and teachers together to promote a love of reading.
During each session, children and parents can read together their child’s book, a book from the class library or a book from home. If parents are unable to attend, a grandparent or other family member would be very welcome. If you have children in different year groups don’t worry, the whole family can remain in one classroom or reading space and then children will go back to their normal classes once the bell rings.
Doors will open at 8.40am and family reading time will last for 15 minutes. Parents will then be asked to leave, so registers can be completed and all children can start their learning.
We hope to see as many parents as possible taking part in our family reading time.